Decor DIY: Typography

Monday, March 19, 2012

I don't know what it is about typography, but it has always appealed to me; so it's really no wonder that I began incorporating it into the design on my home (here and here, for example). A couple months ago now I had pinned a cute letter idea that I knew I could do myself, and I finally got around to completing it this past weekend.

It now sits atop one of the big square bookshelves in the living room.

I've slowly slowly slowly been sprucing up my studio/office area and I'd had an idea in my head for months and I finally got to put it into action. I love the results, but the space still needs some work (and clearly some tidying needs to be done!)

Both of these were incredibly easy to make and involve paper-mâché and wooden letters purchased from a craft store, acrylic paint (I mixed a dark grey with a silver metallic to give it a bit of shine) and a foam brush. That's it! It's easy DIY projects like this that you can do very quickly (like on, say a rainy Las Vegas Saturday like two days ago) that really add a punch to your decor!

If you've used typography in your decor I'd love for you to comment or share some photos! Happy Monday everyone!

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  1. I love the shadows cast by the relief of the letters on the wall. It makes it seem like they are traveling, moving a cross the wall. It makes me think of a flash from a camera as well, which I suppose goes well with the theme :)

    Love all of the stuff you're putting together! It really IS a shame we don't live closer to each other haha

  2. we have so many books in common!!

    1. this bookshelf is actually my secondary one. I wonder how many more we'd have in common if you saw my primary shelf! :)


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