5 AM

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

lately i've been getting up for the day shortly after 5am. the sun is only just beginning its slow ascent into the sky, and all is (mostly) quiet. it may be the baby waking me up that early, but i don't mind. i change his diaper, give him his bottle and we move into the spare bedroom so that daddy can sleep and DJ and I can begin our day.

we stare at the beautiful morning light streaming through the front door, splattering the walls with gorgeous shadows. we snuggle. we lay on the play mat and smile at the toys. we just hang out cooing and grunting until daddy wakes up and mommy can go downstairs to make her tea.

5am. i'm actually loving you.

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  1. love this light! I need to develop more kind feelings about 5am ;)


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