project life 2013 | week 17

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

as you can see i'm a little behind on posting my weekly spreads. such is the life of a new mama!

april 22-28 was a busy week. my best friend was still in town from ontario, canada until the wednesday morning, so she got in lots of time with her godson. i love the photo of them on the playmat, and the photo of the two of us at green valley ranch the night before she flew home.

left side:

april 27th was my hubby's birthday and we celebrated by staying over at his parents so that they could watch the baby. not only did we get to enjoy some time at their clubhouse pool, but we also got to go see a movie and have an uninterrupted full nights' sleep while they took care of DJ overnight! it was a great day, and we decided that we would do it once a month!

the morning after his birthday dom went to the lake with his dad to take out the jet ski.

 right side:

as i mentioned, i love the photos of DJ on the playmat, so i had to include these. i also photographed the awesome frozen yogurt that we had at a place just down the street. i'm completely addicted, even though now i can't eat dairy...

the insert:

i included my first insert this week of four 4x6 photos i took of DJ on his one-month birthday. this is something i definitely plan on doing each month.

i just had so much fun with my week 17 spread!


project life is a product, system and a lifestyle created by becky higgins. in 2013, i'm creating spreads throughout the year. here are all of my pages from 2013 + 2014.

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  1. your pages are absolutely beautiful and so is your little man! i love the cool and comfortable color scheme, you have going on.

  2. So beautiful. I love how soft all your pictures appear. So perfect for the baby photos. Love the idea of adding a little insert each month to celebrate those little milestones.


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