curating my personal style

Monday, February 24, 2014

It's no secret that I love to shop, but I'm realizing more and more than I'm shopping in the absolute wrong places. While there is nothing wrong with buying clothes from places like Target, Forever 21 and Rhapsiodelle, the quality is simply not conducive to long-term wear. I was always a firm believer in passing up one quality item costing $75 when I could get three things for the same cost, from a different store. That is a bad mentality to have!

Furthermore, I didn't love the clothes I was buying at those stores. I want to walk into my closet and love everything that I own. I want them to speak to my personal style. I want to walk in there, pick a shirt and a pair of pants and know that they will be perfect together. For the longest time I have had too much, and yet I always feel like I have nothing to wear. 

My goal is curate my personal style and to build the perfect wardrobe full of quality, timeless pieces that I love. I want to simplify my wardrobe, purge it of items that I don't absolutely love, and slowly build it up with basics, clean lines and amazing fabrics.

I already took the first step last July when I started the 40 hanger closet project. Last night, albeit a little late, I went through my closet and discarded anything that I hadn't worn, or that I was not in love with, and I awoke this morning feeling excited about my next steps.

What are my next steps? 

I want to take the time to truly think about my personal style. What fabrics, colors, and styles am I constantly attracted to? What are some key items that I should invest in? What inspires me? To begin, I've started a mood board on pinterest, where I will gather items that speak to me, that I think describe my personal style.

I'd love to hear any of your style resolutions and goals this year, so please feel free to share in the comments!


you can follow all of my perfect wardrobe posts here.

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  1. I'm doing the exact same thing! I was inspired to do it after having a baby a month ago. Right now a lot of my old clothes don't fit, and although I do intend to lose the weight (gonna focus on that in a couple of months) I realized that a lot of my old clothes also don't fit my current style. So while I'm on maternity leave I'm going to brutally clean out my closet and then make a list of items that I want to add, then I'll save up for them. Starting a board on Pinterest is a good idea!

  2. I made a promise to myself not to buy ANYTHING this year that I don't love and doesn't fit perfect. If I don't love it and won't feel good wearing it then it's not going in my closet. I'm sick of having things that I dread wearing or that I don't feel comfortable in. What's the point? I've been slowly cleaning out my closet, but I know I have to take a stand and just finish it.

  3. I'm in the same boat! I found myself buying a lot of things at Target and giving them away within 6 months. One of my goals for 2014 is to buy quality pieces that fit me and that I love and not settle for something I don't love. You'll have to share more with us!

  4. i've been in the same mindset for the past few years. what works for me, is to give my personal style a description, say "luxe hippie" or "downtown cool." that way when i'm shopping, i don't ask just, "do i love this?" i ask, "do i love this and does this fit my style?" sometimes i'll love pieces, but realize they're better suited for say, my mom or best friend than me. those phrases work well for me. it's still a challenge for me! i'm fine with investing in key pieces, but i don't feel i've still honed my personal style as i want. look forward to seeing pictures from your style adventures!

    1. that's a good idea, but i have NO idea what i would call my style, haha!

  5. I have the problem of reorganizing my closet over and over, but having a tough time actually purging much. I see these items that I "swear" I will wear but never do. I like your trick of flipping hangers to actually see what I wear. I would love to pare down my wardrobe to just quality items I love. Right now I'm holding onto a lot of things that I just don't love.

    1. get rid of those pieces, or, if you're a little weary, do what i did. anything you aren't sure you're ready to part with, put them away in a bin. and if you haven't gone looking for that bin in a few months that I think it's safe to say you can part with those items :)

  6. I never used to know my personal style; and had grown up with the double-whammy of a disadvantaged childhood and an anti-fashion mindset. So I had a lot of hand-me-downs, plain "practical" clothes, and idiotic random splurges that were more attempts to look like someone else than to express myself.

    Making a Pinterest board was the best thing I ever did for my style, and for my comfort with the idea of caring about clothes. It started as an experiment to see what I would pin, and ended up showcasing a cool, cohesive style I realized was my own. Last spring I was able to donate eight garbage bags of clothes, and I'm currently putting together a wardrobe that shows who I actually am. It can feel intimidating to express oneself accurately with clothes (impostor syndrome anyone?), but you get used to feeling so much better about yourself!


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