The Book List | #1

Friday, January 29, 2016

Big City Quiet January ReadsI don't know what it is about January, but it's always the wrong mixture of hectic, cold and lonely. The fact that I managed to read two books this month is a miracle in itself.

I bought this eBook because I'd heard such good things about Gardners' upcoming release, Find Her, and I wanted to get a taste for her style. It was a quick, short novella, and while I'm not sure I was entirely a fan of the style in which it was written, it did give me a feel for her writing style. I think I will probably still pick up a copy of Find Her when it comes out.

THE WIFE by Meg Wolitzer
My oh my oh my. I just loved this book and I loved Wolitzers' writing style. The Wife is about a woman who decides she wants to leave her husband and start really living her life. We are a given a look at what made her come to the decision as well as the backstory of her marriage. It was absolutely enthralling. This is the first books of Wolitzers' that I have read, but I will definitely be picking up some others from the library ASAP.

If you're looking for something to read next, my second novel, Fixing Tanner, is now available for pre-order and will be released February 23rd!

What books have you read lately? What should I read next?

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  1. The Wife sounds really interesting! I may have to check it out. Also, I kinda agree about January. But I think February and August are my least favorite months. Why I don't know. HAHA

    1. You definitely should check it out. I was in awe the whole time. She writes so beautifully.

  2. The Interestings is good - I'll have to check out The Wife. If you like suspense, you might like "The Likeness" by Tana French.

    1. Thanks for the recommendation, I will definitely have the check that out. Also: I love the DIY neon heels tutorial on your blog! I might just have to try that out!


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