3 things from the past week

Sunday, March 26, 2017

1. Does every other woman worry about turning into their mother as much as I do? It seems irrational; how much space I allow this worry to occupy in my mind. I suppose I've always been hyper-sensitive to what I do and say and how I act towards Dom, because what if I become her? She's an amazing woman, but I see so much anger and dissatisfaction in her that I don't want to carry on my own shoulders.

2. I weigh the most I've ever weighed in my life. I'm supremely unhappy about this and yet I have no motivation to change it. Not yet, anyway. I suppose I keep waiting for something to happen to snap me out of it and make me care... but it hasn't happened yet.

My mother in law is obsessed with weight and appearances. She'll be the first one to point out if I've gone passed the point of no return. Until then, I complain to myself each morning post-shower, but continue to do nothing about it. 

3. My mother recently ran into one of my high school english teachers and told her I'd become a writer. I was shocked to know my mother had told her that. I guess if I'm not doing it full-time it doesn't feel like the truth. But that's silly. I've been a writer my whole adult life. Before that, even. It's the one thing that has and always will ring true.

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