3 things from the past week

Sunday, April 02, 2017

1. Sometimes I'm irrationally scared to go back and look at things I've written in the past. I'm worried that no matter how much I liked the writing at the time I wrote it, it will now seem somehow less than. As a writer, all I really want is to keep working and improve my skill set. To look back at something I wrote two years ago and published is scary. As such, I've decided to re-write my first book, Finding Lily. Wish me luck.

2. We leave for California on Saturday morning. Last year, after our three amazingly relaxing days in La Jolla, I jokingly told Dom I wanted to go back for our anniversary again next year. Well, today's our sixth anniversary and we'll see you in a week, La Jolla.

3. I'm entirely certain that one of my favorite feelings in life is when someone falls head over heels over a book that I recommended to them. I've been telling everyone I can to read The Hate U Give and smiling more and more as their positive responses find their way back to me. I love the way reading can unite people. (by the way, this is what I'm reading now, in case you're interested).

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