the halfway mark

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Well, it's hard to believe that it's here already, but I'm 20 weeks today, at the halfway mark!

Late, late Saturday night we head to the airport to fly out to Honolulu for five days and I couldn't be more excited or more in need of a break! Like many many women out there I struggled through weeks and weeks of horrible morning sickness that lasted all day long, and I've been busting my hump at work all week long too, so I'm more than ready to get out of Vegas and relax with no schedules or deadlines or emails!

Happy hump day everyone and congratulations to Barack for being re-elected! I'm a proud Canadian living in the U.S. today!

Make sure to come back later this week as I will be revealing the baby's gender!

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  1. We are indeed, and already know. I will be revealing it later this week :)

  2. halfway there and barely a bump! lucky you :)


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