2013 Intentions

Sunday, December 30, 2012

With the end of the year rapidly approaching I have been doing a lot of thinking, planning + dreaming. Mostly, having been inspired by Sabra's recent posts: Why you need an Accomplishments List and 6 Questions to Ask Yourself Daily, I have really been thinking about what I want out of the new year.

Seeing as I'm horrible at sticking to New Years resolutions I thought I would simply focus on my intentions for 2013.
  1. Be more patient
  2. Embrace change
  3. Find a creative way to continue to document my life, especialy as my family grows from 2 to 3
  4. Don't sweat the small stuff.
  5. Waste less, spend less, want less
  6. Focus on the big picture
  7. Be the best mother I can be
With all of this in mind, I've given some thought as to what my one little word will be for 2013, and that is:

What are your intentions for 2013?

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  1. Love this post Rachel. You are such a good writer. I just love your style. I also love the intentions you have set this year. Excited to see all your changes documented here on your blog. P.S. Thanks for the mentions.


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