home: right now

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Last week I went to the movies with a girlfriend and while the ads ran we talked about our lives. There was talk of our sons (her: two, me: one), our husbands, our busy days and then: our homes. She recently moved into the home of her dreams, and after talking about that for a while, she turned things around saying, "what about you? Are you still loving your place?"
This October will mark four years that we have been in this house, which is entirely too strange to think about as come January it will have been five years since I moved to Las Vegas.

I thought of my girlfriends' question again this morning as I was playing around on the family room floor with my son, and was suddenly overcome with this intense need to document how the room looked right then, in that very moment.

We do everything in this room. It is the play room, the movie theater, where we snack between meals, where I work or curl up on the couch with a good book. It is where we entertain friends and family most often. It is the room where DJ learned to crawl, and then walk. It is full of memories.

This is the space in which we spend the most time together as a family, and in three months it could look completely different. Life is fleeting, dear friends, you need to forever embrace the little things.

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  1. Do I spy paint swatches on that wall? A teal wall would be amazing in that light!

    1. HA! I forgot to take them off of the wall, lol. Yes, we're going to paint that wall in a nice, bright color. We had been thinking about teal but I think we're leaning to more of a blue now.

  2. But you didn't answer whether or not you still love this space?!?! ;)

    1. I go through phases... but you know what? We were in California over the weekend, and I find that when you are in someone else's home, you miss things about your own. Being away always makes you appreciate what's at home for you.

      Overall, yes, I'm still loving this space.


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