Friday, April 08, 2016

I'm kind of a sucker for these kinds of posts; where you get a little glimpse into other readers and/or writers. I'm actually surprised that it took me this many years of blogging to finally write one of my own. But, better late than never, right?

Here are a few bookish things about me:
  1. I read more physical books than ebooks, simply because I much prefer the feel of a real book in my hands. 
  2. If I'm not writing first thing, I get most of my reading in in the half hour I get up before my son.
  3. The smell of library books is one of my favorite things.
  4. I am rarely found reading without a cup of coffee nearby.
  5. I find it impossible to narrow down my choices to a few favorite books. So I don't.
  6. I definitely judge books by their covers.
  7. You will never see me dog-ear the pages of a book I own or borrowed from someone else (but apparently this doesn't include library books...).
  8. I think that my weakness for romance novels stems back to never seeing my mother without a Harlequin romance in her hand as I grew up.
  9. The last book I read was "An Unforgivable Love Story" by B.L. Berry
  10. I am capable of suffering from terrible book hangovers.
  11. Receiving books as gifts is the best. thing. ever.
  12. I try to write reviews right after I finish a book so that I don't forget what I want to say about it. And trust me, I will forget if I don't do it right away.
  13. I can't read hardcover books with the dust jacket on. It drives me nuts.
  14. My favorite genres are probably contemporary romance and literary fiction.
  15. If a book keeps coming across my radar (ie, everyone I follow online is blabbing on about it), I'm more than likely going to give in and read it. Case in point: The Love that Split the World.
  16. I've written and published three novellas, and am currently working on what will hopefully be my first published novel. 
  17. I pretty much always carry a book with me. You never know when you'll be stuck waiting somewhere.
  18. Books are my favorite type of home decor.
  19. Bookstores are where I go when I need time to myself.
  20. I organize the books on my shelves by their spine colors.
  21. I share most -- if not all -- of what I read on Instagram, using #rachelreadsthis
  22. I'm obsessed with bookish photography (hello crimebythebook and sweptawaybybooks)
  23. I get genuinely excited when someone asks me for book recommendations.
  24. I am not a fan of audio books. at. all.
  25. I go through phases with my favorite authors, but currently I'm majorly crushing on Meg Wolitzer and Emily Henry.

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