project life 2013 | week 21

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

still behind in posting. woe is me! maybe i'll get up to date one day soon.

i really love how week 21 turned out. i used a lot more of the seafoam kit than i usually do, which made it a lot more colorful, and kept all but one of my photos all in 2x2. this week my challenge was to use only iphone photos, and that i did! it's just so easy that way!

week 21, left side:

i love this caffeine card, it is simple, but one of my favorites so far in the album. as you can probably assume, i recently started being able to have caffeine again!

i also had to make a really, really tough decision this week.

week 21 right side:

i definitely included more pieces of every day life this week, such as what book i was reading, a breakfast i made, and a small grocery list. 

i included a cute bicycle card that we got from friends thanking us for the hand me down baby clothes we mailed to them. it was such a darling card.


project life is a product, system and a lifestyle created by becky higgins. in 2013, i'm creating spreads throughout the year. here are all of my pages from 2013 + 2014.

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  1. Gorgeous layout. I really have to whip out my alpha stamps. They look great on your pages.
    I remember being able to go back to caffeine, I didn't realize how much I had missed it.

  2. Great layout, it all came together nicely!

  3. Really like your pages Rachel. Agree the alpha stamps turned out really good, they help tie your layout together too. Seafoam is such a great core kit - love all the bright colours.

  4. Love the colours. I have to agree that without my iphone Project Life would not be this easy


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