project life • my 9 must-have products for 2014

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

I've mentioned before how 2013 was very much for experimenting and seeing what techniques and styles I would love or lose. As such, I've got a much clearer picture of what products I will be - or hope to - use in my 2014 album. Here are just a few:

1. Self-adhesive avery tabs - to label my inserts.

2. Midnight edition core kit and digital kit - it's still my favorite set.

3. Staz on ink pad - when I first started using stamps I ran to hobby lobby and bought a fairly inexpensive pad, but i've had a lot of problems with it not stamping well on my photos. i have read good things about this ink pad so I'm giving it a try.

4. A paper trimmer - because cutting my printouts with scissors makes for some horribly messy lines!

5. Elise joy stamps - I want them all, but selected this one and this one.

6. Paislee Press digital papers - I recently went a little purchase crazy at the paislee press store. The minimalistic look has become more and more appealing to me.

7. Targus Stylus pen for iPad - I mentioned that I want to incorporate more of my own handwriting as brushes next year. This will help me to do just that along with the Bamboo Paper app on our iPad.

8. Project Life pens - I put off buying these because I didn't think I had a need for them, but I gave in and I have to say they are great and write easily on everything!

9. Vellum labels - for journalling, inspired by Manda.

What are some of your go-to products?

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  1. Some really good ideas here! I too had a cheap ink pad, but gave in and bought Staz-On. Wow, what a difference! And it dries relatively fast, also.

    I super look forward to seeing what you produce in 2014! You're one of the best PL'ers out there.

  2. Thanks for this. The stylus is a great idea, I really want to try it. Staz-On ink is awesome and the only kind I use. If you get the Staz-On ink remover (to clean your stamps) you can also use it to wipe off ink from glossy photos if you make a mistake. That's come in handy for me a bunch of times. :)

    1. that is an amazing little tidbit of info right there! and i never really thought to buy cleaner for my stamps! i better get on that!

  3. You totally made the creative team

  4. omg! i just saw beckys blog!! congrats :) now im REALLY glad i started following you :)

  5. totally didn't know bamboo had an ipad app! ah! thanks for that tip!!


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