words you never say to a mother

Friday, March 07, 2014

I'm sure there are times as a blogger that you've been angry, frustrated, sad - or whatever you may be - and you've made the wise decision not to write about it. I too have been there, but today I'm breaking my rule. Today I'm venting. Today I'm being real.

If you follow me on instagram you may have noticed that we're having a really rough time with our eleven month old son. Not only is he still not sleeping through the night (or even coming close), but his sleeping has worsened to the point that my husband and I are afraid to go to sleep because we just don't know what to expect anymore. Add in our son's general crankiness most of the day and I'm at my wits end, not sure of what we can possibly do to make things any better.

I've gotten some wise words and sage advice from some mothers - for which I am eternally grateful - but others... others speak the words that you never say to a mother: "it gets better."

Maybe it does, I'm sure it does, but those three words do absolutely nothing to help. They don't solve my problem, and they certainly don't provide me with any comfort.

It's just like telling your single friend, as she watches another of her friends get married, that "it will happen for her soon." Like "it gets better," these words provide absolutely zero comfort and are better left unsaid.

Today I'm choosing to voice my thoughts and not hold back in fear of how others may perceive me. Today I'm being real. Take it or leave it.

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  1. Aww Rachel <3 I think that when it comes to motherhood, we need to vent those feelings a lot more than we feel we are allowed. If we don't, they just...fester. Good for you for getting it off your chest.

    I remember a while back that you were working on night weaning - did you try sleep training at the same time? I'm not sure if is something you tried, or are willing to try, but the "Sleep Easy Solution" is a gentler cry-it-out method that worked for us. It was hard, and our son cried and screamed a LOT, but in the end I decided that he was already struggling and suffering from not sleeping, and a few days of tears and frustration couldn't do him any more harm than what he was already going through. I was at a point where my son would not sleep unless he was on my chest - all.night.long. at 6 months old. It was an impossible situation, but I found that book to be very helpful. I send you a mama to mama hug, and hopes that some day soon you find relief as a family xo

    1. we have that book and i have tried weaning him, but it just won't work... :(

  2. My heart goes out to you, but I won't say it gets better. =) My fourth son was very nearly the death of me. He only took one short nap a day from his first day on the planet. He gave that up well before he was one. I thought I knew what I was doing after three kids, but nothing worked. He cried all. the. time. I wore him in a sling most of the day and half of the night (so the rest of the family could get sleep). Somehow we lived through that first year. One day I realized his crying had lessened. I finally figured out he was bored being a baby. The more he could do (roll over, sit up, crawl, etc.), the easier he became to live with. Btw, he turned out to be a happy, creative, productive member of society. Keep looking for the light at the end of the tunnel. It will appear. Yeah, I know that was close to "it will get better." Excuse me. =)

    1. bored being a baby. ha, maybe that's what is happening with DJ. He has started walking but it's still a little wobby so he isn't fully mobile, but I'm hoping that once he is he will tire himself out more. it just feels like it's always something, teething, sore tummy, too tired, etc.

  3. As shitty a time as you're having I really appreciate how honest you are about the challenges of motherhood. I hope for your sake that it DOES get better, and soon, because unfortunately I have no children (yet) and can't offer any sage advice. But I'm sending up prayers for you to the gods of baby sleep!

  4. I love reading blog posts like this, I love the realness [if that's not a word, it is now], that comes with it and the feeling. I think people would be using the words I wont speak, haha, because there really is no answer to what you are going through. Each child is their own, they have their own feelings, own emotions, no two are alike, even twins. And so to try and make you feel better they are using the words that you really don't want to hear, in a way of support.

    My first 2 girls slept really well, it was the 3rd that didn't. Oddly enough she would sleep ok during the night it was the day, I had to basically wear her in a baby carrier for the first 3 weeks. It was like being pregnant still with the extra belly. I would walk around doing house work with her while having a toddler to care for and little school girl. One day she just stopped needing to be in the carrier, no idea on the why or what I did?

    My girlfriend was having this issue and I am not sure if you have them there as I am from Australia. But there was a place you can go to for a night or two stay, and they help you. Some swear by it, while I have heard others state it didn't work for them. Sleep school I think it was called.

  5. Love your blog - I follow & read it, but this is the first time I've commented. I've been there. My first child was easy peasy and slept awesome...and then my daughter came along! Have you ever tried using essential oils? They have helped us SO much! I only wish that I had known about them when my daughter was a baby!!! Worth a shot?!!

  6. I hope things are falling into place. There are lots of options available to you, but if I may mention what worked for us : be firm and keep the routine tight. My daughter has anxiety episodes where she doesn't sleep. The only thing that worked was a rigid, never unbending routine. No matter how much she cried we kept to the program and both kids responded to that. Be strong!

  7. God do I hear you. My baby boy is almost 9 months and is not STTN far from it (he wakes up crying 3-4 times a night and the only way I can put him back to sleep is by nursing). I tried the cry it out method without success, it's really getting a toll on my sanity, he does have good naps during the day, but I have an almost 3 y.o. to take care of too so I can't relax during that time. Yep it gets better... but when??? Hopefully really soon!! Hang in there!!


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