December Daily® | Days 12-15

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Hello December Daily® days twelve through fifteen.

 I knew that day thirteen would include a photo of us with Santa, so I wanted to keep the left side clean and simple, so for day twelve, I took a nice bokeh shot of our tree.

Day thirteen told the story of DJ's second ever visit with Santa. Last year he was too young to know what was happening. This year, he wailed and clung to me. This shot of the family was our second run.

For day fourteen I talked about our day, using Ali's prompt "the story of today". The story of this day was that it was lovely and full of surprises, like an impromptu late lunch sushi date.

The story of day fifteen was that it was low-key. I chose simply to include a photo of DJ's snacking at the table.


Stampin Up 6x8 red album, Stampin Up Hello December kit, Stampin Up Hello December Accessory Pack, Paislee Press this day in december journal cards, kellie "oh christmas tree" stamp, glitter paper, personal "the story of today" journal card, DDE dotw digital stamp

December Daily® is a registered trademark of the amazing, inspiring Ali Edwards. You can check out all of her products here.

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