Project Life 2014 | Week 51

Monday, December 29, 2014

Week 51. Only one more week left in the year, crazy! There was lots to say this week so I created a double spread.

Full spread view.

Left page, WRMK 12x12 page protector, print through Persnickity Prints. 

Right side, design G.

Second spread full view.

Left side, design G, where I (mostly) documented some sprucing up to the kitchen.

Right side, design f. This was actually my last of my design f pages, so I treated myself to a couple more small packs on amazon on boxing day.


* Project Life is a product, system and a lifestyle created by Becky Higgins. In 2014, I'm creating spreads throughout the year. Here are all of my pages from 2013, 2014 + 2015.

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  1. Beautiful spread. And I love that peek into your capsule wardrobe! Do you plan to make a blog post about it? Would love to hear your thoughts.

    1. Thanks Andrea. Did you notice that I wrote "wardrobe capsule" by accident? I didn't want to make a new card just because of that mistake, haha.

      Yes I have a post almost completely written up, just trying to figure out when to post it.


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