I Want to Start Reading Like Ksenia Anske

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

I'm a bookworm. I always have been and I always will be. It's rare that I don't have a book with me. It's rare to see me, in my spare time, not with a book in my hand or close by. I love to read ... but lately I feel a little like I'm not enjoying it as much as I could be. 

It made me think of the incredible, Ksenia Anske.

I follow Ksenia on social media religiously, so I knew she was—for lack of a better term—really paying attention to the books she read, even before she wrote this post about it. I read her post. I read it a second time. And then I thought: this is what I need to do. Maybe not write notes in the detail that she does, but take the time to truly notice how they're written. I have this bad habit of racing through books—especially the ones I like. And sometimes I feel like that's going it a disservice. What I really should be doing is slowing down and enjoying it. 

So that's what I'm going to do. And I have no doubt that it will make me a better reader and a better writer. I just might snag myself a pretty little notebook to write in, too, just like Ksenia. And I might just share my experiences with it, because, well, this is my little space on the internet to talk about whatever I want to. 

Usually, I want to talk about books.

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