Our House is in Disarray, Literally

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

By the end of this month, I am hoping I'll be able to share the news that we've officially bought our house. It's been in the works for a while, we've gone back and forth, tossing around the idea of leaving this place and building a new one, but ultimately we've decided this is where we'll be staying. It's been a long time coming, really. We've been renting out our place in North Las Vegas and renting this place from Dom's parents for over five years. Soon, we'll be paying off the NLV house and buying this one. Yay for no more renting!

And since it's officially becoming ours, we're renovating. Like ... a lot. The master bathroom is 99% complete, and we started priming and painting the entire house, because my goodness was I sick of that awful off-white color. Because we're painting, the house is in total disarray. It moves from room to room like a virus, ha.

 This morning, while Dom snuck in an hour of painting, I gave DJ a bath and got him dressed for daycare. When I brought DJ downstairs he made a comment about the TV being moved (I wish you could hear how he says it, it's the cutest thing ever), and Dom climbed down the ladder to face me. 

"It's funny, we really don't have a lot of stuff, but you move it around a little bit and realize how much you do have."

I agreed with him, which might be crazy to those of you who have been to our house and know how little we have tucked in this house of ours. We pride ourselves on that actually. But there really is something about seeing everything piled together in the middle of the room to make you feel like you still have too much stuff. 

I'm hoping to share more of the work as we go along. This stuff is kind of fun to share. I mean, we've lived here for over five years but are just now making it ours.

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