project life 2013 | week 14

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

hello project life 2013 | week 14.

this spread shows a lot more of our daily life with the new baby. i'm learning to enjoy every free moment that i have (like the morning I got to enjoy a cup of tea alone in the kitchen and dive into 'a year of mornings' without interruption). my parents flew in the day after we got home from the hospital and have been a tremendous help. my dad flies home tonight, but my mom is staying until the first week of may, for which we are very grateful!

i wanted to keep the spread simple this week and highlight our new life mostly through photos.

the left side:

the right side:

i added a little envelope to hold a few miscellaneous items (such as the note below from my mom).


project life is a product, system and a lifestyle created by becky higgins. in 2013, i'm creating spreads throughout the year. here are all of my pages from 2013 + 2014.

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  1. This is such a beautiful spread! Love the simplicity. Congratulations on your little one! I can't imagine trying to keep up with PL that first 6 weeks!

    1. My parents flew out to help out, so I have been able to find time here and there to work away at it. My dad leaves tonight but my mom stays until the first week of may. Once she leaves I'm sure it will be harder for me to keep up :(

  2. Beautiful photos of your new baby and these precious early days. I love the simplicity of your project life pages too. I wish I had these memories documented from when my two little boys were born.

  3. Lovely pages and wonderful that you're recording it as it happens!

  4. So beautiful and simple! The first few days and weeks are just so precious...what a great record you have already!

  5. So pretty! Love the clean lines. I'm so impressed you're keeping up with this so well. xx


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