project life 2013 | week 16

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

i found that for week 16 i didn't have much to say that couldn't be said through photographs, so the spread only including two small journaling bits.

left side:

i had to include a hilarious card that i received from my sister-in-law's mom from scotland. it still makes me smile every time i read it. also, as you can see below, i was very very excited to have my first over easy egg. i missed them during my pregnancy!

right side:

i was one lucky mama as my little man was full of snuggles. even my mom, daddy and my best friend jennie (who flew in for three days to meet her god son!) got to take advantage of the cuddles. jennie and i also took time on sunday to have a girls afternoon which included getting our first ever pedicures, shopping, and sushi.

my goal for the upcoming weeks is to try and capture in photographs all of the little things we do; the target outings, trips to the pool, visits with the grandparents. plenty of every day, simple things happen during my week that i fail to document... even though those every day moments are my favourite parts! also, i haven't really been using my seafoam kit that often these days so i'd like to change that. anything that makes the scrapbooking process quicker and easier is great for me these days!


project life is a product, system and a lifestyle created by becky higgins. in 2013, i'm creating spreads throughout the year. here are all of my pages from 2013 + 2014.

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