around here • april 2014

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

each time i complete a project life spread i think: i need to include more personal notes: what we've been doing, what we're looking forward to, what we've been cooking or want to cook. movies we have seen or want to see. wouldn't i be as interested in those details as i am in seeing photos of DJ playing outside, or how i rearranged the living room?

in an effort to push myself into including more of these personal details in my spreads, i'm starting here.

here's what's been going on around here.

around here i've feeling revived after some alone time at home while dj was with his grand parents. i stayed in my pajamas longer, drank fewer cups of coffee, worked on blog posts and look photographs. and, i slept. oh did i sleep.

around here dj is learning the word no, and is not liking it one bit.

around here my basil has sprouted, along with my tomato plant. i've never had much luck growing anything to fruition from seeds. this time around, i'm being much more diligent, so i'm hopeful.

around here i'm rediscovering how darn comfortable it is to wear gym clothes all day long. my normal clothes are going to take the backseat for a while, i think.

around here the hubby is hard at work, as per usual. he's been working crazy hours between doing construction-type work with his dad and real estate. i don't tell him enough how proud i am of him for working so hard while i stay home with dj.

around here the temperatures are ramping up. i think we're in for a doozy of a summer here in las vegas.

around here i bit the bullet and purchased a new desk chair. as pretty as my accent chair is, it's just not working for the hours that i spend at the desk anymore.

around here i'm falling more and more in love with the paris wife. i've never read anything like it. if i owned it, instead of borrowing it from the library, i would be underlining sentences and writing in the margins. there really are no words for how much i'm enjoying it.

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  1. I've had The Paris Wife sitting on my book shelf for awhile, I need to actually pick it up sometime!


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