Project Life 2014 • 19-20

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

spread 19. i loved this spread. it is the first that has felt like my style in weeks + weeks.

 spread 20

project life is a product, system and a lifestyle created by becky higgins. in 2014, i'm creating spreads throughout the year. here are all of my pages from 2013 + 2014.

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  1. Replies
    1. ha. you know what? i did, and i enjoyed it well enough, but it made me realize how much i do really enjoy 12x12! the grass isn't always greener on the other side it seems!

  2. I am glad you went back to 12x12, NOT because I didn't totally think your 6x8 was rad! But because your 12x12 inspires me so much for my own 12x12 and these spreads just went and proved it ten fold, I love them, they are PERFECT!

  3. love your spreads. Especially the first one. Until now I only used design A, but next year I totally want to include more variety. Design B looks awesome.

  4. #19 is gorgeous. Love the sequence of shots. Are those leftover food pics ?

    1. haha. DJ makes such a mess on the floor when he eats. I think it's funny but Dom cringes (because he's a little OCD) i thought it would be funny to take photos of the bits that end up on the floor after each meal one day. hahaha. those were actually tame, there is usually more!


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