9 (even more) surprising things about becoming a mother

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

it's been a while since i shared one of these lists, and truth me told i probably could have listed twenty more. that, my friends, is the thrill of motherhood!
  1. everyone and their sister has an opinion about how you should be raising your child. my rule of thumb? i have 3 mothers whose opinions i trust and whom i admire who i go to for advice. any other unsolicited advice goes in one ear and out the other.
  2. cutting my hair to above my shoulders was one of my biggest time savers yet. i highly recommend it.
  3. there will come a time where the second you put your child down on the change table he is wailing and fighting you the entire time. i cannot wait for this phase to be over!
  4. mealtimes are exhausting, especially with a picky eater. then there's the dishes to clean, the high chair and the floor around the high chair. three times a day. just sayin'
  5. smoothies are a great way to sneak in veggies and other goodies. my son is addicted.
  6. it never really gets easier. your biggest worries change day to day, and some things do get easier, but something else will always become harder at the same time. i used to always turn to my mom friends and say "please tell me it gets easier?" i've learned it's a flat out dumb question.
  7. any time a stranger comments on how cute your kid is, you will an immense sense of pride. yes: you helped create that cute kid.
  8. don't even bother putting anything your kid can't get into at his level, because he will get in to it, no matter how many times you tell him no. speaking of no. while he's just now old enough to understand the meaning of the word, he still thinks its funny and laughs before running away.
  9. the first time you realize it's too quiet, and turn to see your kid sitting quietly on his little couch, playing with a toy will be one of your proudest moments as a parent, especially if you have a very busy boy like i do.

make sure to check out my first and second "surprising things about becoming a mother" installments, and as always, let me know what you're learning these days!


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  1. Number 2- Done! Agreed. Number 3 - I hate this phase right now too. Number 4 - meal time is no fun. food everywhere, then screaming during clean up. Number 6. :/ I hope in SOME way it gets easier eventually... but probably not.

  2. no kid, so no advice from me ;)

    But I have to comment about Number 2. I cut my hair in January over the shoulder. And my hair was very long (around 20inches) and I'm so happy I did. I feel so much better and the best your hair dries faster, you need less shampoo and it has definitely more volume ;)

  3. Love this list! I've learned that the worry never goes away - it just transfers!

  4. Oh #6, is so true... as are all of them. ;)


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