it stays in my head even when i'm away from it

Friday, May 23, 2014

today was tough in an intrinsic kind of way
meaning: i brought it all on myself.
this habit i have of being consumed by my thoughts
is so, so bad for me in so many ways.

i used to love fridays
before becoming a mother.
now, especially being a stay at home mom,
all the days just blend together.
friday has lost its luster.
it's just
any other day, now.

i have one hour to improve my mood
to shrug off the day (so far) 
before putting on a smiling face
and meeting friends for dinner

so i came here, to this space,
hoping to find the answers.


just as i expected.

happy friday, anyways.


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  1. "this habit i have of being consumed by my thoughts
    is so, so bad for me in so many ways."

    I struggle with this every single day, and it truly feels like torture, sometimes.

  2. this gets me too rachel, maybe it's a bit of solace that we all feel it sometimes! I too mourn the loss of a "real" friday


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