bedroom real estate

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

i'm not quite sure when it began,
this fight for space in bed.
one night I realized I was hugging the edge of the mattress
another night I was elbowed in the side of the head
and yet another night he was the one teetering on the edge of the mattress
shivering because I was hogging all the covers

somewhere along the line we seem to have become bad at sharing this space
and that worries me greatly
(what does it all mean, anyways?)
i'm suddenly thinking back to all the movies I've seen
depicting married couples sleeping in separate twin beds
and hell if I'm going to let that happen to us

i'm going to go ahead and blame it on my propensity to be an awfully light sleeper
which, combined with his snoring habit, equals disaster.
(not to mention a 14 month old who still isn't fully sleeping through the night)
i love my sleep, I really do
and I'm a total brat if I don't get the required hours
so all i can think about is
how on earth do we fix this?
and further:
why can't I shut my mind off tonight long enough to drift off?
all these thoughts keep me up at night
even more so than playing subconscious tug of war over mattress real estate


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  1. I love your prose, Rachel.

    And like you, I have a tendency to critically analyze even the smallest, seemingly most insignificant things. I blame it on my Psych degree. I don't have the answer to your "what does it all mean, anyway?" question, but MAN -- it's an interesting one (I actually started searching a few academic databases for studies done on this topic..ha! #nerdalert). I love that you confront life from a different perspective. The glimpses you share are always so genuine and meaningful and relatable.

  2. Suffered from this too. I'm lucky to be a heavy sleeper, BUT I can't fall asleep if he is snoring so I have to race to get to sleep first :) I find an eye mask and ear plugs work wonders. And in certain parts of Europe they have two duvets/blankets on the bed so each partner gets their own blanket. No hogging covers then!

  3. I'm a light sleeper...with a husband that has started snoring horribly over the past year. (We've been together 10 years). I hounded him enough to have a sleep study...turns out he has sleep apnea & has to wear a CPAP...which he *never* wears. He has started sleeping on the couch. And when he does come to bed and start snoring, then I move to the couch. It's not the way I want it...but I have to have my 8 hours. It's tough.


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