project Life 2014 | may five + june one

Monday, June 16, 2014

week 22 encompasses two spreads, mostly because we had friends from Canada in town and I knew there would be a lot of photos.

why was this week awesome? well for one: we bought dom's dream car!

and the second spread highlighting my best friend (and her family) visiting.

project life is a product, system and a lifestyle created by becky higgins. in 2014, i'm creating spreads throughout the year. here are all of my pages from 2013 + 2014.

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  1. Beautiful spread Rachel.
    How is your afghan going?

    1. it's going a little slowly these days because i was getting terribly cramps through my fingers :(

  2. I love your square photos. I can't seem to make mine look as a good in a spread!

  3. This spread is awesome. Love the 4x4 pockets. Have those, never used.

    1. thanks!! i need to post more food photos so I can use your nom nom stamp!

  4. yesYesYES! I'm so happy to see the final version of this spread. LOVELOVELOVE, Rachel!

    Is that "yes" on the photo of Dom's new car a brush orrr...? And all those square photos? You are totally nailing this, girl.

    1. it's from a paislee press set, pictures + words no.11 :)


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