project life 2014 | volume two title page

Friday, July 11, 2014

lets start with: i can't believe the year is already more than half way over.

i kept my volume two title page simple and tried my hand and the more traditional way of scrapbooking. all of these pieces (with the exception of the wood veneer stars + the background paper) are from the studio calico bluegrass farm kit.


project life is a product, system and a lifestyle created by becky higgins. in 2014, i'm creating spreads throughout the year. here are all of my pages from 2013 + 2014.

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  1. yes to this beautiful first page!

  2. Yep, love it even more now that I'm seeing it on my computer and not on my phone.

    Are you using cloth or leather album?

    1. thanks Donya, you're so sweet. this is the grey cloth album!

  3. This is beautiful. The stars are perfection.


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