05 + 06 + 07 / 52

Saturday, February 21, 2015

 "A portrait of my son, once a week, every week in 2015"

DJ -
You are so curious these days, wanting to touch everything, feel it, feel the weight of it all, how it feels in your hands, against your face. We're running out of ways to keep you out of things. Our things have steadily been moved higher + higher, out of your reach, but we're at our limits, now. If only you could understand, sweet boy, that there are always some things in life that are off limits.

DJ - The second I snap a photograph, no matter if I'm trying to be sneaky or not, you perk right up and rush over to take a look at the back of the camera. You're so adorable these days.

DJ - I'm sure that a lot of people would think I'm nuts if I told them how many photos I have of you. But when I hand you a bowl of plain greek yogurt (your new favorite) and you dive in like this, I can't help but round off ten shots. And yes, I will be keeping them all.

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  1. Oh my, these are so adorable. I am really bad about wanting to keep all of the photos I take of one sequence, even though I probably don't NEED all of them!

  2. Oh my goodness that last picture is adorable!


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