Week in the Life 2015 | Friday Words + Photos

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Number of photos taken today: 27

This is how most of my Fridays look lately. They always involve work. They almost always involve take out for dinner. And they usually involve a writing session at Panera.

Here's a look at my Friday.

Started my day with this face.

He was a lot more grumpy this morning than he usually is.

But he thought the kitty's hiding spot was funny.

A little tea for me, and breakfast for DJ.

Throw on some clothes for daycare drop off.

 Dishes to do.

Back at my desk with some breakfast to start work.

 Taking a mid-day break to make banana nut muffins for my boys.

On Fridays I tend to write a cleaning list for the weekend.

 A 25 minute zumba session followed by a much-in-need-of shower.


 On Fridays lately, I tend to sneak off to Panera to write.

 Bath time.

Thoughts on today: What a great end to my work day. I so look forward to the weekend days spent at home with my boys.


I would love for you to share a direct link to your Friday words and photos below!

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  1. I've enjoyed reading your daily posts, thanks for sharing!


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