3 things from the past week

Sunday, April 09, 2017

1. It's been interesting, this week, to see how people respond when it comes up in conversation that Dom and I just celebrated our sixth wedding anniversary. We get one of two responses: either a semi-disinterested stare and a barely audible grunt (which I take as a "ha! six years is nothing, just you wait until you've been married as long as me and xyz"); or their face lights up in a way that makes me truly proud to have made it this far already. 

I've been hearing all my life that a lot of marriages fall apart around year seven. I'm happy to say that Dom and I are as happy as we've ever been.

2. Yesterday, I started writing a short story about a woman who can't work on her novels in public without being hit on. It's about love. It's about self-care. It's about personal growth.

It’s nothing amazing yet, but the point is that I'm trying.

3. Just look at this picture, taken this week. I can't even. This last year of motherhood has been really hard, but sometimes we have moments that seem to make it all worth it. Four has been good to us, so far.

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