3 things from the past week

Sunday, April 30, 2017

(image by Paul Citone)

1. My hubby celebrated another birthday this week. I won't say the number out loud because he'd probably feel better if I didn't. But to me, his age has always been a plus. He was the first real man I ever dated and the moment I realized that I never looked back. I had a few gift ideas for him, but he kept saying, "I don't need anything" and unlike me saying that (and not meaning it), he meant it. 

Once our son was asleep, he showered and dressed and came into the bedroom to kiss me; he was off to spend some time with his cousin. I asked him, "was it a good birthday?" and he said "it was a great birthday." I lament often about how different him and I are (would I have been satisfied if this were how my birthday played out?), but in the end, as long as he's happy with how his day went, than so am I.

2. At the time of this blog post, I will be nearing the end of my self-imposed social media detox. I have mixed feelings about how the past five days have gone. On one side I feel great. Renewed. But I'd be lying if I didn't say there's a part of of me that feels like I'm missing out on something (which is really silly, I realize; but it's the truth). What's truly amazing is how many times a day I think: oh, I should document this (on instagram). And then I stop and think to myself: why? Which is when I remember why I truly decided to take this break.

3. I can't believe I didn't mention it last week, but the hubby and I went to see John Mayer last weekend (The Search For Everything tour) and just as I imagined, he blew us away. I'd seen him before, but this was Dom's first time. He was a good sport for coming along, considering it's not his kind of music at all, but I had faith than JM's guitar brilliance would win him over. And it did.

I catch him humming along to JM's songs during the day. He's learning how to play Helpless on the guitar. He sings, "Still feel like a man" instead of "still feel like your man," and it might possibly be the most endearing thing about him yet. 

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