9 Surprising things about becoming a mother

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

  1. How I've learned not to hate the taste of cold coffee; and it always goes cold before I get to finish it...
  2. That often it's noon before I realize I haven't yet brushed my teeth
  3. Under ten minute showers are possible. It just means I may not have time to shave my legs every day...
  4. You know all those gorgeous clothes shirts and dresses you own? The sheer ones, or the satin ones that you love, and know you look great in? Yeah, you don't really get to wear those anymore. Unless you want your monthly dry cleaning budget to rise dramatically.
  5. Shopping becomes a get-in-and-get-out experience. Unless DJ is sleeping, there's no time for browsing.
  6. Dinner is usually consumed in shifts, unless DJ is happy in his swing or in the pack n play; and lets be honest here; 5:30-7:30 is his fussiest time of the day, so one of us usually needs to be holding him during this period.
  7. I couldn't possibly get sick of hearing him babble away. Besides his first real laugh that he graced us with this past weekend, it is the sweetest sound to my ears (or maybe when he is fast asleep at night, the lack of sound is the sweetest sound!).
  8. It's okay to feel overwhelmed, and more importantly, it's okay to talk to someone about it. Holding in sadness and frustration only compounds the issues.
  9. 12 weeks was apparently not too young to begin teething. Oh. My. 

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  1. Love this. I'm a mother at last now too and my 3-week old gives me similar motherhood joys. Shopping is literally a bit event now. Stopping for feeds and diaper changes every half hour practically! And dinner time is also our fussiest. I end up eating with one hand while breastfeeding at the table.

  2. Love this. I'm a mother at last now too and my 3-week old gives me similar motherhood joys. Shopping is literally a bit event now. Stopping for feeds and diaper changes every half hour practically! And dinner time is also our fussiest. I end up eating with one hand while breastfeeding at the table.

  3. I feel exactly the same about all of these! although we haven't hit teething yet thank goodness!


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