picture taking

Thursday, July 04, 2013

I live for taking pictures. I suppose that's where it begins and ends for me regarding photography.

I love capturing the every day, forever pausing that moment that my son rolls over for the first time, and freezing those moments... you know the ones. I see beauty and composition everywhere I look. The truth is that it's mostly instinct. Ask me to tell you the mechanics of the photos and I'd stutter out an answer. Ask me what I was feeling when I pressed down on the shutter; well I'll tell you a novel, then.

I shoot with a Canon 5d Mark II that I named Wendy. We've been together for almost two years now and I can't imagine being apart from her. She has captured some of the most wonderful amazing, down to the every day moments of my life and those of my clients. I'm in love.

Recently I have had quite a few people reach out to me wanting to know more about my process, and I'm humbled beyond words to know that I inspire some of you to become better photographers. I can say this: it takes a lot of practice. I practice all the time, every day, in every different lighting conditions you could think of. And I read a lot; digitalphotographyschool.com is a great resource, as well as the ilovephotography.com forums. Here's the truth guys: I'm completely 100% self-taught, and if I can do it, then you all can.

But here's what I can't teach you: photography is in my bones. It's in my blood. My father was rarely without his camera, and his father too. It's engrained in me. It's my passion, and I'm so lucky to call it my job as well.

Picture taking is what I do best. It's what I strive to do best. And it's what continues to define me.

I am a wife, mother, and photographer. Life is great.

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  1. What a wonderful post.

    I too have a Canon 5D Mark II, that I adore. I was lucky enough to receive it for my 30th birthday. It has been with me through great ups and downs, and I've experienced so much a long the way.

    I am trying to learn more each and every day, and I'm always practicing. Today I am lucky enough to be embarking on my first paid photography gig, which to be honest, is VERY frightening!! i started out doing it as it is something I love, and now this has happened.

    It is exciting, and scary all at the same time, but one thing I know, is that I will never stop learning when it comes to photography!

    1. that's awesome! Good look on your first gig! Do let me know how it goes!


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