Project Life 2013 | Weeks 26-28

Thursday, July 25, 2013

What's this? Am I finally catching up on posting?! DARN RIGHT!

Week 26
(Jun 24- Jun 30)

left side:

Plenty of little things happened this week so I used a "this week" card from the midnight set to highlight the details, alongside the 4x3 photographs. I'm really liking the Design F pages because I tend to use many more of the 3x4 / 4x3 cards than the 4x6 ones.

Week 26 right side:

I used the Design F page again (totally loving it!) for the other half of this spread. I highlighted date night with my husband (a free nights' stay at Red Rock hotel and a movie). The following morning we went to the lake, which I highlighted in Week 27's spread.

One of my favorite pieces from this spread was the folded card that I made: "ten things right now / DJ". You can read them in the photo below, or you can see the blog post here.

Now, if you're really paying attention, maybe you're thinking: hey, shouldn't there be an insert for DJ's third month photos? Well, you're right. I took the photos but I'm behind in making the insert. Eventually, my dear Watson...

Week 27

(Jul 1 - Jul 7)

Because it was a slow week I only did half a spread, and used a week in review card to record the highlights, including jet skiing at Lake Mead and seeing NKOTB, Boyz II Men and 98 Degrees at Mandalay Bay!

Week 28

(Jul 8 - Jul 14)

Another slow week = another half spread. Nothing of real consequence happened this week (and actually I struggled to find enough photographs to fill even half the spread.


project life is a product, system and a lifestyle created by becky higgins. in 2013, i'm creating spreads throughout the year. here are all of my pages from 2013 + 2014.

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  1. you're making me want the midnight edition! it's so simple and i love the black and white. your pages look amazing as always :)

    what pens do you use to journal/write on photos?


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