The 40 Hanger Closet

Saturday, July 27, 2013

A while back I came across the article, The 40 hanger closet, while browsing for organization tips. I feel like this random discovery is going to change my life (not to be dramatic...).

Here is the basic run down of the article:

  • Most of us have too many clothes
  • Most of us don't know how to pare down our closet
  • Many of us hang on to clothes we haven't worn in ages, and probably won't wear again any time soon
  • Limit your clothes to 40 must-have items, and either put away or get rid of the rest
  • Doing so will make you feel like you actually have more to wear
Before getting rid of any items, I decided to put a system in place to distinguish which items I don't wear, and it was as easy as turning all of my hangers backwards.

Once I wear an item, I will turn the hanger around. After a few months I will take note of what items haven't been worn and decide their fate.

Have any of you either taken part in the 40 hanger closet, or have any other tricks up your sleeve? I'd love to hear from you if you do!

If you'd like to read more about my process of curating my personal style, click here.

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  1. This is amazing! Sab pointed it out to me a few weeks ago, and I was literally just sitting here pinning the 40 items I would need. Then I visited here, and you just posted about it! Weird. -V

  2. interesting, I agree that most people have to many things in their closet because they hang onto stuff, however I don't know if I'm quite ready to go down to only 40 things!

    1. honestly, 40 is a little too slim for me as well. but i figure it's worth a go :)


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