9 (MORE) surprising things about becoming a mother

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Becoming a parent is a total learning curve, this much I know is true. Since I had so much fun with the first list, I decided to compile another.
  1. My bladder is shot. As in, I feel like along with feeding, changing and playing with my son, all I ever do is use the restroom. 
  2. My breasts post breast feeding. Ugh. Enough said.
  3. How quickly I learnt what is right and wrong for my child.
  4. The way I often curse myself for not following my instincts. While I was pregnant I confided in a friend that I had very little experience with babies. She said: "you will be surprised how much is pure instinct. Never discount that."
  5. If a child is crying - in say, a store - I more often than not find myself either bouncing up and down or swaying from side to side. Seriously, it happens without me even thinking, and then I'm looking around, embarrassed, wondering if anyone saw me.
  6. Shopping for a child is just as fun, if not more fun, than shopping for myself. It's like having my own real life doll.
  7. Diaper changes very quickly became so routine that I don't even think about it. A big, stinky poop doesn't faze me in the least. Ask my husband however....
  8. You have discovered your - what i like to call - yelling voice. And I can't help but smile every time you open your mouth and go to town.
  9. There is always one song that has the equal effect of both soothing a baby, and making him smile. That song for DJ is "I see the moon" which my mom sang to him one day while we were visiting them. Now I sing it to him numerous times a day.
Make sure to check out my first 9 surprising things about becoming a mother, and as always, keep on letting me know what you've learned as well.

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  1. I must say...with a 6 week old snuggled on my chest as i type this one-handed...This one really resonates wiyj me <3

  2. Thanks for the mention baby girl. Love you both so much.
    Mom and Grammie


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