Documenting past years with Project Life

Sunday, September 01, 2013

I've had so much fun documenting life since pregnancy using Project Life, that over the past couple weeks I have decided that I'm going to go back and document a couple previous years - namely 2011 and 2012.

How am I going to do it? I'll tell you.
  1. First, I will look back through all of my photos and move the ones I want printed to their own folder. To save money, I'm going to wait for a shutterfly or snapfish photo printing deal and then I will print the whole sha-bang. 
  2. I am not going to do the usual one week per spread layout. Instead, I will include whatever photos and other pieces I see fit. I moved from Ontario, Canada to Las Vegas, Nevada in January 2011, so I want to document those first two years of my "new" life here in the U.S., and I'm hopeful that they will fit into one album.
  3. I have kept a journal since 1992, and so if I need help adding journalling or photo descriptions to any of my photos, I will simply look back at the corresponding dates in my journal!
  4. Once I have all of the photos printed and any journalling cards added in, I will fill in any empty slots with quotes and graphic cards that I have collected over the last while. Then, if necessary, I will add any embellishments (though I'm really moving away from them lately).
  5. In my 2013 album I used three different page designs. I think that this time I will keep it to one just to make the process easier and looking more streamlined (I haven't decided which design to go with yet).
And that's it!

Not sure what to make of my plan? Here are tips from others who have gone back and documented past years:
  1. Traci Reed
  2. The Nerd Nest
  3. 9 Years: A Success Story - Cathy
Have you ever gone back and documented past years? I'd love to see and read about your experience, so be sure to leave me a comment below!

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  1. this is a really awesome idea, and i think the fact that you keep a journal is gonna be super extra helpful (remembering details and dates is the hardest). also, totally with you with embellishment!


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