Project Life 2013 | Week 33

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Welcome to project life 2013 | week 33 (Aug 12 - Aug 18)

It was the Friday of this week that DJ and I packed up and flew into Buffalo, NY for a visit home. My parents met us at the airport and drove us across the border into Ontario and back to my hometown of Kitchener. 

Words can't describe how amazing it was to be back again, surrounded by all of those memories and drowning in the familiarity.

One of my favorite aspects of this week is the insert that I did to show off my "from where I stand" and "from where I drink coffee" iphone photos (close up further down). 

left side:

I loved the iphone photo of DJ sleeping - hello eyelashes! - so much that I just had to make it really pop from the page. I just love how it turned out. 

I printed photos and wrote directly on them, and also included some journalling cards, which I realize I haven't been doing much of lately. I really should try to include more journalling in my spreads from here on out.

right side:

I tried to highlight little pieces of my trip - my first coffee the morning after I landed, the tea that I bought from my favorite little tea shop, my parents cat... and the rest, I wrote on a journal card.


I don't do many inserts, only a monthly one showing off a photoshoot I do for DJ each time he becomes a month older. But this insert is one of my absolute favorites because if you know me, you know I love "from where i stand" photos! The template is paiselee press and I just can't get enough of it!


project life is a product, system and a lifestyle created by becky higgins. in 2013, i'm creating spreads throughout the year. here are all of my pages from 2013 + 2014.

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  1. gorgeous spread, and love that insert! i'm a big #fromwhereistand fan too ^^

  2. I love that large scale black and white photo! It's fantastic!!

  3. Your pages are AMAZING. I have never seen your blog before, but it is surely bookmarked now! Love your style, and just read your post about completing past years. You have inspired me to give it a whirl!! Thanks for sharing your talents!

  4. BEAUTIFUL!!! I love the large photos and simple layout!! Super excited about finding your blog!

    Just Dawnelle

  5. Wow! Love the big pictures split across section and the insert with all your coffee shots.


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