not your average wednesday

Friday, January 31, 2014

Without the intention of bragging, it's been beautiful here in Vegas this week (with the exception of yesterdays high winds). I knew that Wednesday was going to be particularly nice, so I told my husband to make sure to leave a block of time open for us to take DJ to his first official visit to the park.

He couldn't have enjoyed the swings more.

Or turning these big blocks (he is obsessed with anything that spins, like wheels).

He didn't quite know what to do when we put him into the tunnel.

But boy did he like the feel of grass beneath his fingers.

It's not how our Wednesdays usually go, but I'd be lying if I said I couldn't do this every single day.

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  1. That smile is oh so precious! What a lovely time together you all shared

  2. seriously i die, he is SO cute!!

  3. so so cute! Oh man I can't wait until our snow melts and Eli can have a proper playground visit!

  4. What a cutie! Jealous of your nice weather.


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