Project Life 2014 • Week 2

Monday, January 13, 2014

It still amazes me that it is 2014 already. 2013 seems to have gone by in a blur of sleepless nights, diaper changes and bottle feedings. But this is a whole new year, and if you missed the announcement last month, I'm part of the Becky Higgins creative team!

Week 2, as I journaled, was a very average week. A couple trips to the gym, received two of my first pen pal letters, DJ cut four new teeth and had his nine month check up.


project life is a product, system and a lifestyle created by becky higgins. in 2014, i'm creating spreads throughout the year. here are all of my pages from 2013 + 2014.
* products used: midnight edition, sunshine edition, recollections wood veneers.

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  1. Beautiful, again. Loving those dots, and the calmness of your week.
    I especially love the mail and workout words in banners, those are fabulous. Did you just draw those on or did you do it digitally first ?

    1. Thanks caylee! I drew the banners and words on after the photos were printed! It's funny because I wasn't super happy with my layout and then I added a couple banners, then to each 4x6 photo and realized it helped tie the spread together! Woo hoo!

  2. hey your PL disclaimer at the bottom you may want to change to 2014 ;) xo

    1. Ha! I noticed that right before your comment came through, but thanks for keeping an eye out!!

  3. I love how clean your layouts look. DJ is so adorable!

  4. I can't see the photos because either 1) your blog is under construction, or 2) I'm on a totally outdated computer that only has a really old version of IE and IE sucks. Either way: I'm interested to know if you've used the iPad stylus you purchased to create any elements for PL using your own handwriting?! I'm totally thinking I need to take the plunge and get one for myself, but I need that little push to actually do it.

    1. kelsey, you will have to let me know if it all looks okay. I had some issues with my template that were finally fixed today.

      to answer your question, I have been using the stylus. I find it is easiest (and it looks best) if you can load the image onto the ipad in Bamboo and write directly onto the photo you will be using. Still, if a bamboo pad arrived on my doorstep, I wouldn't turn it down!


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