screw the mess

Saturday, January 18, 2014

The house is a mess. The family room is covered with DJ's toys, and if you look closely you'll find discarded cheerios on the carpet. I keep picking up sweet potato puffs from under the kitchen table and the fridge is full of food that hasn't been used to make anything of substance in nearly a week.

All three of us have been down and out with awful colds all week (DJ's first cold, ever), so everything unrelated to sleep, hydrating and attempting to diminish our respective miseries, has gone by the wayside.

But you know what? Screw the mess. It's home. A family lives here.

And that is oddly comforting.

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  1. Screw the mess! A most appropriate real-life attitude! =)

    1. thank you Donna, it's all a part of how I am changing my life and attitudes in 2014.

  2. Looks like our living room and is that a pillow wall I see??! Great attitude by the way, I'm embracing the mess as well!

    1. marysia, this is the room we spend the most time in (because the rest of the main floor is tile and we're nervous about DJ hurting himself), so we have the three entrances barricaded! what you're referring to is an ottoman and a few pillows to the side to fill up the remainder of the space. to the right in the photo is an extra futon couch, and the third spot is filled with a bin of blankets and the pack n play. what can I say, we're crafty like that!

  3. You know what, I really don't feel comfortable visiting someone's house that is spotless and overly clean. It doesn't feel lived in. Good on you for embracing the mess! I think its the first sign of being 'normal'

    1. I'm totally the same way. I was actually writing in my journal the other day about these friends we see often (they have two boys) and the last time we were at their place it was eerily tidy, and I felt SOOO out of sorts all evening! It turns out their cleaning lady had just come that day. Usually there are crumbs under all the chairs, toys everywhere, a mess all over the counters... it was so strange.

  4. My house was a TOTAL disaster when Eli got his first cold (and of course I had it too), but also, it's not so hot on some normal days. And you're right, it's a home, it's allowed to be messy! Kinda empowering :)


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