Project Life 2014 • Week 3

Monday, January 27, 2014

Week three of project life. I struggled a little with this weeks spread. All three of us were sick with colds all week, and thus as the weekend arrived I had barely taken any photos, and most of them weren't up to my standards of quality. 

This week I used the midnight edition.

I did love this iPhone photo of DJ in the car. The shadows made my photographer heart happy.


And the other thing that made my heart happy this week? I came up with the idea to use a photo of me out on the street each week as my title card. After looking through my 2013 album I realized that what was really bothering me was the way my title cards broke up the flow of my spreads. So, this was my solution, and let me tell you, I'm in love!

While I wasn't 100% happy with this spread, I'm taking the advice of my wise instagram followers: calling it done, and moving on.


project life is a product, system and a lifestyle created by becky higgins. in 2014, i'm creating spreads throughout the year. here are all of my pages from 2013 + 2014.

* products used: midnight edition, elise joy "today is" and "hers" stamps, paislee press week in review card, recollections wood veneers.

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  1. I so love the idea for your date cards. So very cool! May have to try that one year.

  2. Love your date cards. They suit you perfectly.

  3. those full page spread pictures are the greatest!


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