Things I'm Working On

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

I'm working on preparing for Week in the Life beginning next Monday by gathering supplies and compiling a list of photos I might like to capture, and things I want to be sure to record during the week.

I'm working on not sweating the small stuff, which is actually turning out to be quite difficult.

I'm working on being more patient with DJ and remembering that he's still so little and doesn't understand a lot of what he does and why he cannot do it.

I'm working on getting myself back into the habit of writing every day as Nanowrimo approaches. This will be my eleventh year writing, and coming off of my win last year, I'm hopeful that I can give it a good shot again next month.

I'm working on organizing my scrapbooking stash, and using up what I have before purchasing anything new (with the exception of the binder and page protectors for Week in the Life). I have so much stuff, some of which I won't ever use, so I have been organizing everything into piles and will be mailing some out to friends around the States to use. I love that nothing will go to waste.

I'm working on keeping the kitchen table clean. It seems to be the dumping ground for everything and I really can't stand how cluttered it makes the room look.

I'm working on my knitted blanket, mitered square by mitered square.

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  1. Need more pics of your blanket. Asap. :)

  2. You sound busy!
    Good luck with the writing- exciting!
    Our kitchen table is a dumping ground as well.. Drives me crazy

    1. Isn't it the worst? I'm bad at it, but my husband is too. I'm constantly taking his laptop back into his office or moving bills into our household binder. It seems to never end!

  3. Great idea about creating a list of things you want to capture. I will definitely do this as well!

  4. You're so motivated! Love your inspiration.


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