Winter lists on a Monday morning.

Monday, January 19, 2015

We've had it easy so far this winter here in Las Vegas. There was a week of bone-chilling cold, and then things warmed up again. Christmas has gone, New Years is a memory, and January is in full effect.

This morning I'm thinking about the here and now.

things currently on the table.
laptop in need of charging
half-burnt candle
a discarded banana peel

things that haunt me.
disposing of my college journals.
all the stories I haven't written.
the self-depricating voices in the back of my head.

things I want to do but won't.
learn to surf.
go jeans shopping.
stop being envious of others.

the type of woman I want to be.

what I'm working on.
my marriage
writing. always writing.

things I've loved lately.
tiny beautiful things
red lipstick
ending every day reading
a new year

p.s. spring + summer lists.

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  1. I need to be better about reading at the end of the day. Hubs and I have been vegging out on Project Runway instead. haha. Happy January!

    1. I think that if that makes you happy then why not end your days that way!

  2. I adore your lists- it's such a great idea and they're always nice to read. I too need to stop being envious of others and be a more patient person. I love your blog! Have a great week.

    1. thank you, Mika. I read a great post recently by Laura Jane Williams of Superlatively Rude about comparison. You should check it out!

  3. I am the same way, I can get envious of others too... A quote that I found on Pinterest really spoke to me it says,

    It doesn't matter what others are doing it matters what you are doing. Hope this helps!

    1. As I mentioned to Mika above you should check out a recent post by Laura Jane Williams of Superlatively Rude.

  4. Your "things that haunt me" list.
    I thought I was the only one who had thrown away journals that I wish I hadn't.
    Mine were the ones from the years before and after my mom died. Ugly and real. So embarrassing and raw that I drowned them in a sink filled with water and then directly into the trash.

    And there are many more things on your list that I would write on mine if I had enough courage.

    Thank you for sharing yourself in so many ways, Rachel.

    :) Jodi


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