45 / 52

Saturday, November 08, 2014

"A portrait of my child, once a week, every week in 2014"

I think that on the particularly hard days, it's as though the universe knows that I need to see him fast asleep like this so that my heart can soften a little, and my cup of patience can be refilled. 

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  1. I'd love to say it gets easier as they get older, but truthfully- some things get easier and then something new pops up. But I agree, I love when something happens that reminds you - they are just expressing themselves and acting their age- and take a moment to regroup and carry on. Just wait in a couple years he'll be randomly saying "I love you mommy" and even if you're raging mad you'll be a puddle of mush. Motherhood is hard- FORCES you to become more and more selfless & that in itself is extremely difficult.

    & this image is absolutely adorable.

  2. Oh that bottoms up sleep! I wish I had pics of both my babies doing that. Because it goes away. Have you ever tried it? Only for babies.


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