Week in the Life 2014 | Friday Words + Photos

Saturday, November 01, 2014

Number of Photos taken today: 65

I felt like a bit of a fraud yesterday in that we did something that really only happens a few times a year: we took the jet ski out to the lake. The opportunity came up and we took it! I complain about the heat a lot here in Vegas but I promise you, I wasn't complaining about being on the water in 89 degrees yesterday! Plus, with Halloween and all, it wasn't truly an average day. Oh well!

Here's a little peek at our Friday.

Morning play. Note the bedhead.

Dishes from the night before. Ugh.

Coffee. Yes please.

Plenty of vacuuming, kitchen and bathroom cleaning this morning.

My favorite shelves in the house.

She always finds the warm, sunny spots.

A late breakfast.

A snack with grandma while watching videos.

The hubby and I took off for one last trip to the lake this year.

Car reads.

Another successful trip to the lake. See you in 2015 Lake Mead.

And then... DJ's first trick or treat-ing experience.

I even dressed up.

Thoughts on today: Between the lake trip and Halloween... I'm exhausted!


I would love for you to share a direct link to your Friday words and photos below!

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  1. Just came to your site through Ali's. Love your photos and your little boy is adorable.


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