Week in the Life 2014 | Saturday Words + Photos

Sunday, November 02, 2014

Number of Photos taken today:102
Saturday began so peacefully. I was up before everyone else as usual and decided to try and capture what the house feels like at that time of the day.

As the day went on, it was obvious that it was going to be one of those days, where your kid is grumpy, you have very little energy and not enough time to get done what needs to be done.

I was happy to curl up with my hubby at the end of the night and watch a movie in bed to finish off the night.

Here's a look at our Saturday.

Discarded costumes from the night before.

A glimpse out my office window.


Snuck in a little work.

A little texting with a friend back home.

Sweater weather officially arrived.

We loved the new addition to my ring set that we bought a black ceramic ring for Dom as well.

Plenty of afternoon time spent outside.

Him and his bananas. I swear, in a previous life he must have been a monkey.

Frozen pizza for dinner because I had no energy to cook.

He thought it was the funniest thing ever when Daddy put the pizza box on his head.

Thoughts on today: Tough.


I would love for you to share a direct link to your Saturday words and photos below!

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  1. I need to do this experiment! My photo taking has been so little of late! I think it would be a great boost

    1. You should! It was A LOT of work but I'm SO happy I did it. And now that you have a new little one on the way it would be lovely to document life as a family of three and then later as a family of four!

  2. DJ is so cute! :) Random question in your shop are you going to do Christmas project life cards? I need Christmas supplies! :)

    1. Thanks Melissa! YES! I will be coming out with Christmas themed project life cards. I have so many thoughts I'm just trying to get some designs created! stay tuned!

  3. I really love your morning-before-the-day-gets-wild. Great capture.

    1. Thanks so much, Julee. Mornings are my favorite :)

  4. I've enjoyed seeing your photos this week...I especially love the dark ones of the house when you got up! It has been a lot of work doing this project...but I'm so glad I stuck with it. It has given me so much to think about in the way of life and documenting our life.

    1. That's exactly how I feel! Tonight, I'm hoping to document a little bit more of my night time :)

  5. DJ is adorable! Yay I'm excited about your Christmas cards!


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